Statement on the Aerial Bombardment in Al-Kuma Locality, North Darfur State

Darfur Victims Support Organization.

August 21, 2024

The Darfur Victims Support Organization expresses its profound concern and condemnation regarding the aerial bombardment carried out by the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) on the morning of August 21, 2024, targeting the Al-Kuma locality in North Darfur State. According to credible eyewitness accounts, the attack occurred at approximately 8:30 AM, striking a livestock camp belonging to Mr. Mukhlis Al-Hadi Musa, 45 years old. This assault resulted in the tragic deaths of five members of his family:

1. Khadija Ahmed Zakaria Mohammed (32 years old)

2. Ahmed Mukhlis Al-Hadi Musa (9 years old)

3. Mohammed Mukhlis Al-Hadi Musa (7 years old)

4. Amjad Mukhlis Al-Hadi Musa (4 years old)

5. Bothina Mukhlis Al-Hadi Musa (9 months old)

In addition to the devastating loss of life, the bombardment led to the death of 171 head of livestock, severely impacting the livelihood of the affected family. The camp is situated 10 kilometers west of Al-Kuma locality, which has become a primary refuge for internally displaced persons (IDPs) fleeing the city of El Fasher. The locality now hosts over 45,000 IDPs and contains 21 shelter centers, placing these vulnerable populations at significant risk due to the psychological and physical dangers posed by such aerial attacks.

This attack constitutes a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law, particularly the principles mandating the protection of civilians during armed conflict. Such acts are considered war crimes, and those responsible must be held accountable.


1. Imposition of a No-Fly Zone over Darfur: The Darfur Victims Support Organization urgently calls on the international community to enforce a no-fly zone over the Darfur region to prevent further aerial assaults on civilians.
2. Protection of Civilians: The organization urges implementing all necessary measures to ensure the protection of civilians in all conflict-affected areas, including enhancing monitoring and surveillance mechanisms.
3. Justice and Accountability: The organization demands prompt and independent international investigations into this attack, with the prosecution of all individuals responsible under international legal standards.
4. Ending the Armed Conflict: The organization emphasizes the immediate cessation of all military operations and the resumption of negotiations to achieve a peaceful and sustainable resolution to the conflict.

In conclusion, the Darfur Victims Support Organization stresses that the continuation of aerial bombardments without the imposition of a no-fly zone will exacerbate the humanitarian crisis in Darfur. This will grant the Sudanese Air Force unchecked authority to indiscriminately target innocent civilians. These attacks are not random; they are part of a deliberate strategy orchestrated by a powerful faction within the conflict, aiming to impoverish and displace populations along ethnic and regional lines. Therefore, the imposition of a no-fly zone is an urgent necessity to protect innocent lives and to prevent the escalation of violence rooted in such discriminatory practices.

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