Statement Welcoming U.S. President Joe Biden’s Remarks on Lifting the Siege on Al-Fashir

Darfur Victims Support Organization

Statement Welcoming U.S. President Joe Biden’s Remarks on Lifting the Siege on Al-Fashir

December 19, 2024

The Darfur Victims Support Organization welcomes the remarks made by U.S. President Joe Biden, in which he condemned the devastating war that erupted on April 15, 2023, between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). President Biden highlighted the unprecedented suffering endured by the Sudanese people and held both parties responsible for the crimes committed against civilians. He further called for an immediate and comprehensive cessation of hostilities and urged both sides to enter into negotiations to resolve the Sudanese crisis.

The city of Al-Fashir, particularly the Zamzam camp for displaced persons, is facing a catastrophic humanitarian situation due to the ongoing conflict. Dozens of vital and service infrastructure have been destroyed by continuous artillery and aerial bombardment, resulting in the death of hundreds of civilians and preventing them from carrying out their daily lives or securing basic needs. The continuation of these military operations exacerbates the humanitarian crisis, further compounding the suffering of the Sudanese people and obstructing the delivery of essential humanitarian aid to affected civilians.

In light of this tragedy, the Darfur Victims Support Organization calls for an immediate and comprehensive halt to all hostilities throughout Sudan and urges the parties involved to engage in serious negotiations aimed at achieving lasting and inclusive peace. The organization emphasizes that a military solution will only lead to further destruction and suffering and that the only viable path to ending this conflict is through dialogue and peaceful settlement.

The organization also calls on all influential groups in Sudan, including armed movements and political factions, to refrain from taking sides in the conflict and to instead play a mediating role in the peace process. Any further involvement in the conflict by other parties will only complicate the situation and prolong the suffering.

In this context, the Darfur Victims Support Organization urges the international community, particularly the United Nations Security Council, to take responsibility for pressuring the warring parties to cease fighting and ensuring safe and sustained access to humanitarian aid. The organization also calls for the implementation of effective international measures to lift the siege on Al-Fashir and other affected areas, alleviating civilian suffering and securing their fundamental rights to a dignified life.

In conclusion, the Darfur Victims Support Organization affirms that President Joe Biden’s remarks represent a significant step toward ending the suffering of the Sudanese people and reflect a serious international commitment to achieving peace in Sudan. The organization urges the translation of these remarks into concrete actions on the ground to ensure the protection of civilians and the termination of this devastating conflict.

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