Darfur Victims Support Organization
Report on the Arrival of Displaced Persons from El Fasher and Kabkabiya Locality in North Darfur State to Jebel Marra Areas and Sortony Camp, and the Escalation of Malnutrition at Kalma Camp
December 24, 2024
New Displacement to Jebel Marra
The area of Geldo in Jebel Marra, under the control of the Sudan Liberation Movement led by Abdel Wahid Al-Nur, has witnessed the arrival of new waves of displaced persons fleeing Kabkabiya due to repeated airstrikes by military aircraft. The latest of these attacks occurred on December 9, 2024. The displaced individuals reached the area on Sunday, December 22, 2024, totaling 36 families, approximately 180 individuals, most of whom are women and children.
These displaced persons are living in dire humanitarian conditions, lacking essential needs such as food, water, healthcare, and shelter. In light of this tragic situation, the Darfur Victims Support Organization issues an urgent humanitarian appeal to all local and international organizations to intervene immediately and provide the necessary assistance to save lives.
Arrival of Displaced Persons at Sortony Camp
On December 20, 2024, Sortony Camp in North Darfur State, located near the outskirts of El Fasher, received a significant influx of displaced persons from Kabkabiya Locality. The number of displaced families reached 117, comprising approximately 550 individuals. These individuals are enduring severe living conditions, with no access to basic survival necessities. They are in urgent need of food, water, medicines, and shelter, alongside blankets and heating materials to cope with the harsh winter conditions.
Escalation of Malnutrition at Kalma Camp
Kalma Camp, located in South Darfur State near Nyala, continues to face severe humanitarian challenges, most notably the widespread malnutrition among children. According to recent statistics, the number of cases of acute malnutrition has reached 952 between October and November 2024. This alarming situation constitutes a humanitarian catastrophe requiring immediate intervention from humanitarian organizations to provide urgent medical care and therapeutic food supplies for the affected children.
Urgent Appeal
In light of this dire situation, the Darfur Victims Support Organization underscores the critical necessity for coordinated local and international efforts to intervene swiftly and deliver the required aid to the affected areas. Addressing the needs of these displaced persons and alleviating their suffering is a collective responsibility that demands an urgent and comprehensive response.