Psychological Support

Psychosocial Support

Darfur Victims Support (DarfurVS) believes in supporting the victims of war through providing Psychosocial support which plays a crucial role as it addresses the psychological and social well-being of individuals who have experienced the traumatic effects of conflict. This is to support victims and survivors cope with the emotional and social challenges resulting from war-related experiences.

Trauma-Informed Care​

DarfurVS providing psychosocial support recognize the impact of trauma on individuals and implement trauma-informed care. This approach ensures that services are delivered with an understanding of the emotional and psychological effects of war, creating a safe and supportive environment for survivors.

and Therapy​

Professional counselling and therapy services are essential components of psychosocial support.

Trained mental health professionals can help survivors process their traumatic experiences, manage stress, and develop coping strategies to rebuild their lives.

Group Support and
Peer Networks

Establishing support groups and peer networks can create a sense of community among survivors. Sharing experiences with others who have gone through similar situations can reduce isolation and provide a platform for mutual understanding and support.

Skill Building and
Capacity Development

Psychosocial support programs often include activities aimed at building the skills and capacities of individuals affected by war. 

This could involve vocational training, educational programs, and other initiatives to empower survivors and enhance their ability to reintegrate into society.


Programs that focus on building resilience can help individuals develop the strength and skills needed to overcome adversity. This might involve teaching coping mechanisms, stress management techniques, and strategies for navigating challenges.

DarfurVS looks at a comprehensive and integrated approach that addresses the emotional, social, and cultural dimensions of trauma. By recognizing the unique needs of survivors and providing tailored interventions, DarfurVS contributes significantly to the process of healing and rebuilding lives in post-conflict settings.