Justice For Victims

Seek Justice For Victims' Group

Our long-term plan at Darfur Victims Support (DarfurVS) is to play a crucial role in seeking justice for those who have experienced the devastating effects of conflict in Darfur region. Seeking justice is a multifaceted endeavor that involves addressing both individual and collective rights, holding perpetrators accountable, and advocating for systemic changes to prevent further atrocities. To do this, DVS intends to focus on:

Analysis of Human
Rights Violations

One of the essential steps in seeking justice is the analysis of human rights violations. 

DarfurVS work to collect, preserve, and analyze evidence of war crimes, including testimonies from survivors and witnesses. This data serves as a crucial resource for legal proceedings and advocacy efforts.

Truth & Reconciliation

DarfurVS engage in truth and reconciliation processes, which aim to uncover the full extent of human rights abuses, promote accountability, and foster national healing. 

These processes often involve public hearings, truth commissions, and community dialogues to address historical injustices.

Advocacy for
Policy Changes

DarfurVS advocating for victims of war often work to influence policy changes at national and international levels. This may involve pushing for legislative reforms, changes in military practices, and improvements in international humanitarian law to prevent future conflicts and protect civilians during wartime.


DarfurVS can engage in legal advocacy to ensure that perpetrators of war crimes are held accountable for their actions. 

This may involve supporting victims through the legal process, gathering evidence, and collaborating with international bodies, such as the International Criminal Court (ICC), to bring individuals responsible for war crimes to justice.

Reparations and

Seeking justice also involves pursuing reparations and compensation for victims. 

DarfurVS support efforts to secure financial restitution, healthcare, and other forms of redress for survivors to help rebuild their lives in the aftermath of war.


Collaboration with other organizations, governments, and international bodies is crucial in the pursuit of justice. Networking and partnering with entities that share the same objectives strengthen the collective effort to address the complex challenges of seeking justice for victims of war.

While seeking justice for victims of war involves a comprehensive approach that spans legal, social, and political dimensions. DarfurVS is dedicated to supporting war victims play a vital role in this process, advocating for accountability, redress, and systemic changes to prevent future atrocities and contribute to the healing of affected communities.