Report on the Shelling of Kafut Neighborhood in El Fasher, Capital of North Darfur, by the Rapid Support Forces

Darfur Victims Support Organization

Report on the Shelling of Kafut Neighborhood in El Fasher, Capital of North Darfur, by the Rapid Support Forces

September 12, 2024


The Darfur region has witnessed a continuous escalation of violence for years, with civilian areas frequently targeted by warring factions. On September 11, 2024, the Kafut neighborhood in El Fasher came under artillery shelling by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), resulting in civilian casualties. This report outlines the circumstances of the attack, its aftermath, and calls for urgent measures to halt the targeting of civilians and ensure the protection of human rights.

Incident Details:

At approximately 10:00 AM on September 11, 2024, the RSF launched random artillery shelling on Kafut, a densely populated area in El Fasher. The shelling also hit a displacement shelter located in Ahmad Al-Zain Private School. Eyewitnesses reported that the shelling led to the death of two women and the injury of four others.

The deceased:

1. Zamzam Kamoun Mohammed, 49 years old, resident of Kafut.

2. Nahid Ahmed Mohammed Nour, wife of Zakaria Abdulrahman.

The injured are:

1. Alaa Zakaria Abdulrahman Zakaria

2. Walaa Zakaria Abdulrahman Zakaria

3. Khadija Yahya Ahmed Yahya

4. Hafez Mustafa Hashem

Impact of the Shelling on Civilians:

The indiscriminate shelling demonstrates an ongoing pattern of targeting civilian areas without distinction between military and civilian objectives, a blatant violation of international humanitarian law. These attacks have exacerbated the suffering of displaced persons, who are already enduring deteriorating humanitarian conditions due to the five-month-long siege imposed on El Fasher.

The shelling of a school serving as a shelter for displaced persons constitutes a severe crime, further endangering vulnerable civilians and highlighting the deteriorating security situation in Darfur. In addition to the fatalities and injuries, the attack created widespread panic among residents and caused significant damage to both public and private property, compounding the humanitarian crisis in the city.

Legal Implications and Violations:

Indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas constitutes a war crime under international humanitarian law, and the targeting of civilians and civilian infrastructure is a clear violation of the Geneva Conventions. This attack reflects a persistent pattern of crimes committed in the Darfur region since the conflict began. The use of civilians as human shields or targeting them with artillery and aerial bombardments is among the most egregious violations classified as international crimes.

Demands and Recommendations:

In light of these grave violations, the Darfur Victims Support Organization makes the following recommendations:

1. Justice and Accountability:

The organization demands accountability for those responsible for the shelling of Kafut and the innocent civilians, and calls for an independent international investigation to uncover the details of this crime and bring the perpetrators to justice.

2. Cease Shelling and Lift the Siege:

The RSF must immediately cease the use of heavy artillery in civilian areas and lift the siege imposed on El Fasher, as the siege has exacerbated the humanitarian crisis in the city and hindered the delivery of essential aid to its residents.

3. Halt Aerial Bombardments by the Army:

The organization calls on the Sudanese Armed Forces to halt all aerial operations in Darfur, as these airstrikes contribute to escalating violence and worsening the humanitarian situation.

4. Declare a Humanitarian Truce:

The organization urges all warring parties, including the army, the RSF, and armed movements, to declare a humanitarian truce of at least three weeks to allow humanitarian organizations to provide essential services to affected civilians.


The repeated targeting of civilian areas in Darfur reflects a persistent failure to protect civilians and uphold international humanitarian law. The Darfur Victims support Organization calls on the international community to intensify its efforts to impose effective sanctions on the parties responsible for these violations and ensure the urgent delivery of humanitarian assistance to the affected area.

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