Report on the Aerial Bombing by the Sudanese Army on Al-Tijania Neighborhood – El Fasher

Darfur Victims Support Organization

Report on the Aerial Bombing by the Sudanese Army on Al-Tijania Neighborhood, North Darfur State – El Fasher

September 18, 2024

On September 13, 2024, at approximately 11:00 AM, warplanes belonging to the Sudanese Armed Forces launched airstrikes on Al-Tijania neighborhood in El Fasher, North Darfur State. Eyewitnesses informed the Darfur Victims Support Organization that one of the bombs struck the home of Zaki Al-Siddiq, destroying the eastern side of his house. Other bombs fell near citizens’ homes, causing widespread destruction in the area.

The bombings led to the destruction of the house of lawyer Mohammed Salem Jad Allah, and resulted in injuries to several members of his family. The injured include:

1. Mahasen Omar Abdullah

2. Shahd Mohammed Gamal El-Din

3. Mostafa Mohammed Gamal El-Din

4. Samia Arabi El-Sayed

5. Tahajud Musab Rawesh (a young child)

6. Hajja Alawiya (injured due to the collapse of the house’s roof)

7. Atef Abdullah Al-Hajj Hassan

These repeated airstrikes have caused the deaths of hundreds of civilians due to indiscriminate bombing. Dozens of essential and service facilities, including schools, hospitals, and markets, have been completely destroyed. These attacks have paralyzed the daily lives of civilians, preventing them from carrying out their usual activities and providing for their families due to the constant fear of being targeted by air raids.

The Demands of the Darfur Victims Support Organization:

1. Immediate Enforcement of a No-Fly Zone in Darfur: The continuous aerial operations pose a direct threat to the lives of civilians. The organization demands the immediate enforcement of a comprehensive no-fly zone over the Darfur region to protect innocent civilians.

2. Activation of an Arms Embargo on All Warring Parties: To ensure the cessation of attacks on civilians, the organization calls on the international community to activate an arms embargo on all parties involved in the conflict in Sudan.

3. Opening Safe Humanitarian Corridors: It is crucial to provide safe passage for humanitarian aid to reach the affected population and to ensure the protection of civilians from ongoing attacks.

The actions of the Sudanese Air Force constitute deliberate terrorism against civilians, reflecting a clear act of retaliation based on ethnic or political grounds. The international community must take immediate action to protect civilians in Darfur and put an end to these brutal attacks.

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