Darfur Victims support Organization
Report on Violations in Kulbus Locality, West Darfur
Date: October 28, 2024
The Darfur region of Sudan has witnessed unprecedented security deterioration over recent months, marked by intense armed conflicts directly impacting the civilian population. Thousands have been displaced, and the local infrastructure has been extensively damaged. Kulbus locality in West Darfur, situated 80 kilometers north of El Geneina, is among the most affected areas, hosting more than 200,000 people, including those displaced from El Geneina, Sirba, and Umm Suruj. In May 2024, government forces withdrew from the area, leaving it briefly under the control of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), after which control shifted to a joint force. Attempts to establish an agreement protecting civilians have thus far proven unsuccessful.
On October 21, 2024, the locality of Kulbus suffered a brutal armed attack reportedly carried out by the RSF, resulting in civilian casualties, including deaths and injuries, along with widespread destruction and displacement.
Civilian Victims
Deceased Individuals:
1. Badr Al-Deen, 30 years old, employee at the Ministry of Agriculture, West Darfur (El Geneina).
2. Hassan Abdullah Haroun, 28 years old, civilian.
3. Abdelhalim Haroun.
4. Abkar Jantara.
5. Khalil Mohammed.
6. Hassan Abdullah Haroun.
7. Jibril, brother of Matar.
8. Unidentified woman residing in Abu Juqa district.
9. Unidentified woman from Sirba.
10. Young child, son of Nasser Ibrahim.
Injured Individuals:
1. Abdullah Ishaq Yahya.
2.Azadeen Younis.
3. Mohammed Noor.
4. Dr. Sharif Al-Noor.
5. Fiat Al-Taher Ambadi.
6. Son of Mohammed Ahmed.
7. Son of Azoo Al-Noor.
8. Hab Al-Deen Osman.
9. Daughter of Adam Ishaq.
10. Son of Adam Ishaq.
1. Adam Mohammed Ibrahim, known as Katir, 50 years old.
2. Mohammed Abdel Aal, 62 years old.
3. Abkar Mansour, 85 years old, civilian.
4. Mahjoub Abkar Mansour, 35 years old, from the Umm Shujaira area.
The attack on civilians and residential areas in Kulbus constitutes a severe violation of international humanitarian law, particularly the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols, which mandate the protection of civilians during armed conflicts and prohibit intentional attacks on civilian areas and objects of humanitarian importance. Targeting unarmed individuals is considered a war crime under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and represents a flagrant violation of fundamental human rights, including the rights to life, personal security, and freedom from forced displacement.
1. Immediate Withdrawal of RSF Forces:
The organization calls on the RSF to withdraw immediately from Kulbus locality, cease all forms of aggression against civilians and their property, and ensure the safety and rights of the population.
2. Avoiding Civilian Areas as Battlefields:
The organization urges the joint force and other armed groups to avoid using civilian areas for military operations, prioritizing the safety and well-being of civilians.
3. Cease Hostilities Immediately:
The organization appeals to all warring parties to cease hostilities immediately and initiate negotiations toward a peaceful resolution that ensures stability in the region.
4. Conduct an Independent and Thorough Investigation:
The organization demands an independent international investigation, led by the ICC or a competent authority, to identify those responsible for the violations, hold them accountable, and deliver justice to the victims and their families.
5. Security Council Intervention for Civilian Protection:
The organization calls upon the United Nations Security Council to fulfill its obligations by deploying a peacekeeping mission or taking immediate measures to protect civilians in Kulbus and ensure their safety.
Kulbus locality, as part of Darfur, has become a scene of grave civilian rights violations, in clear defiance of the rules of international humanitarian and human rights law. The humanitarian situation in the region demands urgent intervention to protect civilians and halt hostilities, with accountability measures essential to ensure justice and end the cycle of violence in the area.